[Section 7(1)] There shall be filed with the registrar within whose jurisdiction, registered office of the company proposed to be situated.
[Section 7(2)] Registration of documents with ROC
On the basis of documents and information filed, registrar register all documents and information and issue a certificate of incorporation in the form no. INC-11 to the effect that proposed company is incorporated under Companies Act, 2013.
[Section 7(3)] Issue Corporate Identity Number (CIN)
After registration of documents, Registrar shall allot a Corporate Identity Number (CIN) from the date mentioned in the certificate of incorporation. CIN shall be a distinct identity for the company and shall be mentioned in certificate of incorporation.
[Section 7(4)] Obligation of company
Company shall maintain and preserve its original and copies of documents filed with registrar till its dissolution.
Documents need to be filled with registrar:
(1.) Memorandum and Articles of company duly signed by all the subscribers,
(2.) Declaration that the company have been complied with all the requirements of this act and rules in respect of registration, in the prescribed form by a Cost Accountant, Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and an Advocate and also signed by director, manager or secretary of company.
(3.) A declaration that, each subscriber or first director named in the memorandum, is not convicted of any offence with formation or management of company, or he has not been found guilty of any fraud under the companies act 2013 or any other previous company law during preceding 5 years, all the documents contain true and correct information.
(4.) Address for correspondence till its registered office is established.
(5.) Details of subscribers, such as name, surname or family name, residential address, nationality along with proof of identity.
(6.) Details of first director mentioned in articles, such as name, nationality, residential status, DIN number and proof of identity.
[Section 7(5)] If any person furnish any false or incorrect information, of which he is aware in any of the documents filed with the registrar, he shall be liable for action under section 477.
[Section 7(6)] Where, at any time after the incorporation of company, it is proved that company got incorporated by furnishing any false or incorrect information in the documents made for incorporating such company, the promoters, persons named as first director of company and the persons making such declaration shall be each liable for action under section 447.
[Section 7(7)] Where a company has been got incorporated by furnishing any false or incorrect information in any of the documents or declaration filed or made for incorporating such company by any fraudulent action, the Tribunal, on an application made to it:
(i) pass such orders, for the regulation of the management of the company including changes, in the interest of company and its members and creditors, or
(ii) direct that liability of the members shall be unlimited,
(iii) direct removal of the name of company from the registrar of companies, or
(iv) pass an order for the winding up of the company, or
(v) pass such order as it may think fit.